Meeting of the Library Board of Trustees
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.
Monthly board meeting of the Jamestown Philomenian Library Board of Trustees.
For children in grades 1 & 2 who are learning to read independently!
Mah Jongg Play Series - 4:30 p.m. to 6:45 p.m.