Sydney Wright Room

Cyber Seniors

In collaboration with URI - College of Health Sciences and The Friends of Jamestown Seniors, The Jamestown Philomenian Library will host Cyber Seniors once again. This popular program is in its third year and we would like those wishing to participate to be aware of some new guidelines.

Three sessions are available on Tuesday mornings 10 a.m., 11 a.m. & 12 noon

Sign-up will be at the Senior Center

Annual Easter Egg Hunt Rain Location

Join the Jamestown Women's Club at the Godena Farm for the Annual Easter Egg Hunt! Suggested ages for the Easter Egg Hunt are pre-k to grade 4. Grades 4+ are invited to participate in an egg toss. Please bring bags or baskets to collect your eggs and arrive early. The hunt begins at 10am sharp.

In the event of rain, the hunt will be held at the Jamestown Philomenian Library. Weather updates will be posted on the Jamestown Women's Club Facebook page.


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